Traditions Tuesdays: Sabiduría Comunitaria: Women, Textiles & Resistance

October 20 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Mexican weaving and embroidery are integral traditional art forms in Mexico and the Americas, closely tied to indigenous knowledge and resiliency. Join artists, activists, and scholars for a conversations that braids knowledge and experience to explore textiles as a form of cultural resistance, economic autonomy, and women’s collective empowerment.

Facilitator:  DR. MICHELLE TELLEZ, University of Arizona Mexican American Studies
LORENA ANDRADE, Director, La Mujer Obrera, El Paso, Texas
NANSI GUEVARA, Textile artist, Brownsville, Texas
MARIA DEL CARMEN PARRA CANO, Owner of Indigena, a small business focusing on reaffirming the ancestral use of the rebozo during pregnancy, birthing & postpartum

More info. here!

Michelle Tellez